Monday, January 16, 2006

Huichol people

Here you see the jeweler who made my new iguana ear rings. Or maybe it was her son, he was also working with beads and silver in her little Sayulita store - I think he was around 10 years old. They belong to the Huichol people. Very little is known about the exact origin of the Huichol, but we do know that they call themselves 'Wirrarika' which can be translated to mean prophets or healers.


Blogger Flimflam Institute said...

Any active Huichol healers in the area? Do they have any cerimonys or is it buried in the Catholic Church?

2:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They do have ceremonies, although they are one of the closest (cerrado?) indigenous group, they hardly ever let outsiders get into their rituals and life, that is how they have survived... Lately though they have been more open. I volunteer with some indigenous communities when I was in college 4 years ago and among those communities were the Huichol people.

11:35 AM  

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